Domestic Light bridges the worlds of video, performance, data science, and satellite imaging with a collaborative global inquiry into our perception of light, color and time. This live video and data portal lets you observe the real-time color and satellite data as it is collected between June 21, 2023 through June 2025.

On exhibit through June 2024 is the live streaming video – sensor work at the SFArtsED Gallery, Minnesota St Project, 1275 MINNESOTA ST, 2nd Floor. Visit any time during normal gallery hours, typically 11a to 4p Wed. through Saturday and during openings and special events.

Domestic Light explores the disparity between how natural light is perceived and mediated, and the nature of our networked relations. Beginning with a year long collection of light color data the project offers a new way of noticing how our bodies build the notion of home and the passage of time– based on the qualities of light where we live– and how mediated images of nature are sensitizing us as a species.

Domestic Light will culminate in 2025 with a live audio-visual installation performance by Winters and composer Pamela Z created from the data and materials collected over the 2023-2024 solar year. Domestic Light fulfills the urgent need to build community-to-community networks, and supports the role of artists in cultivating the observation of one’s own environmental transformations. At the project end, its unique structured data set will be archived at the University of Sussex Humanities Lab and available for public use and interpretation by artists and researchers.